*Constantly Look For People To Replace You* by
Shush14 2012/04/08 18:46
I used to constantly look for people to replace you .
Someone to talk to everyday ,
someone to trust .
Someone to believe in ,
someone to love ,
someone to have time of my life with .
I stopped though .
I realized that some people cant be replaced .
GhAyAl 2012/04/08 18:57
But they changed
X-SPY 2012/04/08 19:11
[b]An effective way to get
empowered when facing
obstacles is to read stories and
quotations from the people
who had overcome
insurmountable setbacks before
achieving their aspirations.[/b] Spy
Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.