thks to god by
Rosay 2012/04/08 14:33
Once a person came to a Shaikh (Islamic
scholar) and complained to him about his own
poverty, saying that he was in great distress and
would prefer death to such a life. The Shaikh
said to him, "Are you willing to have your eyes
taken out in exchange for ten thousand Dirhams
(silver coins)." He replied "Certainly not." The
Shaikh said "Would you like to have your tongue
plucked out and get ten thousand Dirhams in
return?" The man said, "Of course not." The
Shaikh said, "Would you agree to having both
your hands and feet cut off in return for twenty
thousand Dirhams." The man said that he would
not. The Shaikh asked "Are you willing to be
made a mad man and get ten thousand Dirhams
in return?" The man said that he was not willing.
At this, the Shaikh said to him, "Are you not
ashamed of yourself? You admit that Allah Ta'ala
has granted you so many precious gifts, the
value whereof, in your own estimation, exceeds
fifty thousand Dirhams (counting only a few gifts,
by way of illustration) and yet you complain of
Source: "Fadhail-e-Sadaqaa Part II", translated
by Prof. Abdul Karim.
The value of the above mentioned gifts can be
fully understood when we lose them. Let us be
more thankful to our Lord.
TemPEST 2012/04/11 23:50
Wow! Nice words of wisdom
Kumz 2012/04/09 08:43
I remember one time, a father asked a priest why he lost his arm in an accident at the factory he worked and why his 2 kids have to be in hunger since he cant work anymore. So this priest told this father... "Would you rather have lost your life than an arm?" And you know what this father said? "Do I look like I give a flying f*** what I lost??? The issue here is my kids are cod and effing hungry! And I don't see any 'god' paying their school fees!"
Kumz 2012/04/09 08:49
And then there was this one time a mother asked some religious dude why her 7 yr old daughter was suffering with Dengue and is dying in the hospital... So this religious dude asks her... "Would you rather she got shot and died instantly, without you having a chance to say goodbye...?" So you know what this mother said? "I don't give a flying f*** if I get to say goodbye to her or not. All I know is she's in pain and suffering. And added to that, I cant seem to come to an agreement with the doctors to pay the hospital bill by cutting off parts of my body this "god" of yours apparently has given me. So yeah...".
Kumz 2012/04/09 08:57
Stop finding excuses for this "god" who's supposed to be so compassionate and all so perfect. People are SUFFERING. Find a way to be more helpful to them instead of talking bullcrap to people in need. By saying crap which equals to "be happy with what god has given you cz that's all you get!", you only demoralize them and make them give up hopes on themselves.
Hkhan 2012/04/10 01:18
When we gotta sleep hungry means we were one way or other commiting some serious or lesser sins. He is loving us equal to 70 mother,s love, thus He punishes us soft on our sins in this earthly life as He wanting us off of hard one eternal from hereafter. Like a mother wld spank on her child on a mistake to teach him manners, does that mean mother not exists or doesn't love hr kids. No mother do exists and do love them but she at the sametime scolds or beat them for learning a lesson purpose.
Similarly Almighty Allah does.
Trax 2012/04/15 04:53
Stop finding him on temples,find him on ur heart
Etim2 2012/06/14 20:59
The God i know is the one of christ
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