Hkhan 2012/04/04 18:21
I am using internet for almost 10years by now surfing many forums and chat sites evry day but one thing which i cldn't found nowhere except 2wap ,is the concept of free post or posting. . . what is actually a free posting i really dnt know ,not even thesaurus knows. i saw many popular topics in this forum were closed on biased of allegedly free posting. if people laugh and write a post or more against any post or postwriter can't be wrong and how is it free post. forums does stands for entertainment not for bloody ministerial white shxt files, SO TELL ME ADMINS WHY YOU DON'T LIKE AND CAN'T SEE PEOPLE LAUGHING. you let the copy pasters ,stealers Pirates ,plagiarists, go proudly and dnt dare to close any topic and jump in for original topics to get close biasedly for free posting, why why why?
what is this policey for. Plz b4 answer this topic you better talk at area51 thoroughly, this ridiculus supressing attitude should be reconsider to change now !
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