Flower blooms once in 40 years by Atlas 2012/03/21 05:38
The Agave franzosinii takes four decades to produce a flower and then dies shortly afterwards.

Staff at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew were intrigued when a specimen in one of their greenhouses suddenly started to grow exponentially after maintaining the same height for years. The plant grew so tall in such a small space of time that part of the roof had to be removed to accomodate it. "Once it started, you could see it growing daily," said Lara Jewitt. "This is the biggest one I have ever seen flowering, and also the longest period taken to flower." All too soon though the plant wilted, but not before its seeds had been collected and planted in the hope of usherering forth a new generation expected to flower in another 40 years time.
Manal 2012/03/27 06:50
nice info...............
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/09 15:58
Good one..
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