From today onwards,... by Shush142012/03/19 09:12 From today onwards, I will not step onto your roads (where you live)
From today onwards, I will not come to meet you, beloved
From today onwards, I will not step onto your roads
don't think of me as existing in this world, beloved (think of me as dead)..
Think of us meeting..
Think of us meeting as if it was a dream
You have now found what is yours.
From today onwards, don't think of me as existing in this world, beloved
From today onwards, I will not step onto your roads
From today onwards, I will not come to meet you, beloved..
the clouds of the monsoon will come..
the clouds of the monsoon will come falling down once again.
You will stay in the arms of your beloved
Beloved, from today onwards, I will embrace sorrow.
From today onwards, I will not step onto your roads
From today onwards, I will not come to meet you, beloved.
From today onwards, I will not step onto your roads
From today onwards, I will not come to meet you, beloved
From today onwards, I will not step onto your roads
don't think of me as existing in this world, beloved..
-cry- -cry- -cry-
THE_SPEAR_KING2012/03/19 09:24 english versign of
teri galiyo me na rakkhenge kadam. . . .
I like it.
Karma 4 u.
Shush142012/03/19 09:25 ha wahi hai.. thanx rishu bro..