D PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT CHRISTIANITY. by Miracle1177 2012/03/19 07:30
Many people regard christianity as religion,but it is not,christianity is a lifestyle,living the kind of life that Jesus lived while on earth.though being just a christian does not take someone to heaven but it's so unfortunate that no other religion is preaching about the death and ressurrection of Jesus,and Jesus is the only way to heaven.only in CHRISTIANITY OR IN THE CHRISTIANDOM will u hear of the DEATH AND RESSURRECTION OF JESUS,dat means,if u must make heaven,the first step you make is turn to christianity because only there you will learn more about CHRIST and His second coming.IT'S UNFORTUNATE THAT NO OTHER RELIGION PREACHES ABOUT JESUS CHRIST EXCEPT CHRISTIANITY.
punamchand 2012/03/29 02:47
Jay yeshu
Dan4u 2012/03/19 09:48
yes oo
Okikiola 2012/03/19 15:05
Muslim believe in Prophet Isa (ASW)
Dragon358 2012/03/25 03:41
very-very nice topic
#78 Faith/Beliefs
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