After Shocks by EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/03/18 21:49
I just read somewhere something that made me ponder alot. When you pee in your dream you pee in reality. Now the question is why do we tend to really pee just because of dream visuals.

Dreams visuals often do affect us with aftershocks but not all visuals create an effect in reality but the chances of urination is more often because of a dream. Why is that?
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/03/18 21:51
Another example is waking up suddenly after a feel of free falling. Also jolt on the body because of shocks.
Akhungal 2012/03/18 22:48
Actually its not always and also not with every one.
Though some people do pee while they dream, it may be due to a full bladder or a childhood habit.

Lelsi 2012/03/18 23:33
While sleeping you still feel your environment and your body, so for example when you pee in your dream you pee in reality because it's actually biological need to urinate and the body has infiltrated this need to the sub-conscious in an attempt to wake you from your dream and take care of it. And as poster above said it happens most often due to a full bladder. But of course you quickly become aware of that so you wake up.
As for another example,I think that those are convulsions in sleep, when you're falling asleep first your muscles relax, and if loss of consciousness (falling asleep) "is late" for this relaxation, a jolt will ocure because you get "scared", because the lack of muscular tonus for a man is unusual and uncomfortable experience.
It's nothing to worry about, the other example happens to me quite often, it's indeed uncomfortable experience, but after I usually fall asleep without any problem.

2US2 2012/03/19 00:53
Dr saiz its ur kidnys which must be weak when u dos urination in bed. 2be fair ur post brought anew dimension of causes ta peeing in bed. i wld post again by readin sum authentic books und consultin 2my uncle whose a doc. vry intresting topic.cute.
-Marizelle- 2012/03/19 01:49
It often happen to me that i have after shocks of free falling in my dreamz. I just wake up then,but in few min sleep again with no prob. I dnt pee at night,even if I dream about it.
Eternal_Knight 2012/03/19 03:59
I have felt the aftershocks. I have felt sharp pain or numbness in my legs while dreaming of running from my worst fears or running for something in dreams

KingFISHER 2012/03/19 04:53
it happen to me.aftr shoaks in ma in dream at sleeping time i just awaken sumtimes bt ma bladder is full in control.
brightsquare 2012/03/19 06:24
while dreamin,its d unconcious mind dat is active nd d consious. Sum piple find it difficult 2 control their unconsiousness so they just cudnt help peein!
GhAyAl 2012/03/19 08:08
Hmmm may b scientific
Boet 2012/03/19 08:37
I think the subconcious mind is a very powerful tool. People tend to ignore unpleasant concious thoughts, because of hidden fear. But those thoughts don't disappear. It spills over into the subconscious, which then comes to the forefront when you are in a relaxed, and weakened conscious state
Mahesh 2012/03/19 15:00
It's more likely the other way round: the body is aware of the oncoming need to pee before the need becomes great enough to wake you and incorporates those signals in dream activity.
Did you know we dream in real time - if something takes two minutes to "happen" in a dream then it occupies two minutes of our sleep..

EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/03/19 20:37
Very interesting comments/smiley what i wonder is that does the subconscious mind really acts indirectly to wake us up or is it only the dream effect? And what about the out of body experience, does that exist?
Hareesh 2013/06/23 09:41
Ood topic
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