Samsung vs HTC by styMO2012/03/16 20:43 What's ur favrt between z two in z Android family! Who wins here in terms of what u pay n z device u get in return????
_rOcK_2012/03/17 11:04 I like the nokia most...
But in comparison of samsung and htc...
I would go for htc..
abraha2012/03/20 18:56 my phone samsung model gt e2232 it don't add or not update my photo from memory to my facebook help me
Male19742012/03/22 16:32 samsung galaxy prevail is a very goos android phone,it runs better than the htc,and the ui is really nice..retails for 149.99 in the u.s.
aprillia2012/03/25 23:55 htc more better than samsung.