Life Test by
Terry 2012/03/13 16:28
Are you going through something right now?Are you suffering or struggling in some way in life and wondering where God is in all of it? Has something happened to you that made you question His very presence in your life?Do you find yourself asking him why and wondering why there is no answer?Are you getting frustrated when he doesn't provide you with that answer?I'm sure all of us can say that,if not at this moment,at some point in our lives we have looked for Him and been upset,that he does not answer us.
In these instances we would do well to remember one of the rules we were taught in school,the teachers are always quiet during tests,they are not allowed to give us the answers.All they can do as they sit and watch thd clock until we are finished is hope that they have taught us well enough that we will be able to find the answers on our own.After the test results are in, they can see our weaknesses and then they have an opportunity to help strengthen us in our areas of weaknesses.An entire class is not going to answer all the same questions correctly and incorrectly.Tests are designed to show us what we know and what we need to learn.If we are all given the answers beforehand,what would be the point.There would be nothing to work towards,there would be no sense of achievement...And we wouldnt remember the information,the lesson if we were simply given it as opposed to learning it...So remember,the teacher is always quiet during the test,but that doesnt mean he is not there...:)
Eternal_Knight 2012/03/13 16:36
I am in similar situation now...anyways good moral here . . Thanks for sharing
2US2 2012/03/13 16:38
Nice und nevr-read b4 topic, shouldbe da topic of da day. juz wana add '' be thankful rather than a complainer,divine would be pleased und boat flows best on calm waters''.
Lelsi 2012/03/13 18:36
I've been in such situation so many times in my life, when it seems that there is no answer , no hope, no way out of the struggle- but the sad thing is most of the people will remember God in the moments of sorrows, instead of being thankful for everything , whether good or bad.
And patience is the key, no matter what you are going through, which answers you might be asking for, as the times goes everything comes down to its place. Just keep in mind, whatever happens to you-it happens for a reason.
kazzy 2012/03/13 19:04
Absolutely nice
Boet 2012/03/13 20:43
A very valuable lesson can be taken from this topic. When things are going well for us, we take all the credit for our achievements. When we are in trouble, we blame others, even God. However, it is so often that we turn to God only when we are in trouble. Such a one sided relationship! Sometimes God has to pull the rug from under our feet, as a reminder. To teach us what we need to know for the coming tests. Great topic Terry
SAGITTARIUS 2012/03/13 21:54
I would call it one of the best topic which I ever read at 2wap.
KingFISHER 2012/03/14 02:40
good and bad both are part of life. Sumtimes it may be hard to handle definitly a way hidden beyond evry bad. U ve to find it just with patience. Keep it mind"hard prob easy solution". Nvr be hopeless 4m the kind n bless of ALLAH.
THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/03/14 02:41
nice moral. . . . .
Enjoyed in reading. . .
I will sure
implies it in my practice. . .
ACIDized 2012/03/14 08:27
Ah We learn from our experiences, there's no god in first case.
brightsquare 2012/03/14 08:39
similar lessons in da bible,wen d wind storms d boat nd jesus was asleep,d disciples were so worried nd had 2 wake jesus. Lovely lessons bro.
Dynamite 2012/03/21 18:11
Good thouts..These valuble words inspire everyone who belive god..Tc dude(cracker)
Manal 2012/09/27 21:55
great topic
yemadep 2012/09/28 18:24
Good food for thought.
Hareesh 2013/06/23 09:34
Beauti3ul lines
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