MADNESS IS. . . . . . . . . . by
THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/03/13 04:40
Madness is...
To hate all roses
because you
Got scratch by
one thorn..(-_-)
To give up all
your dreams
Because one of
them didn't
Come true...(-_-)
To lose faith in
God Because
Once he didn't
answered a
To give up all
your efforts
Because one of
them failed...(-_-)
To condemn all
your friends
Because one of
them betrayed
you... (-_-)
Not to believe in
love because
Someone broke a
promise and
left... (-_-)
Remember that
Time will bring..
*A new Friend..~
*A new Love..~
_LeGoLaS_ 2012/03/13 06:05
.claps. S¡mple poem l!ke it
GhAyAl 2012/03/13 09:23
Madness is love
fiya 2012/03/16 01:34
Yeah,i agree with u.
AbHiT 2012/03/16 08:13
bravo bro... good one.
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