Keeping things from your partner by Lelsi 2012/03/12 11:51
We all know that honesty in a relationship is vitally important because it gives us the assurance that we can trust and rely on the person we love. And when you are in relationship, you are supposed to share everything with your partner, dreams,worries, tension, fears, thoughts. However,some things are better left bottled up inside of you, like when you know that honesty may hurt your partner.

Is it ever justifiable to keep some things from your partner, for their own good, when you know that truth will hurt them more? Does honouring trust and honesty in relationship require the whole truth?
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/03/12 11:59
My personal experiences say that somethings are better bottled up. If those thoughts are shared they may most probably cause a scar in the partners heart for sometime or forever. Keeping things bottled up not easy as it really keeps you frustrated all the time and makes you lonely but for the sake of keeping her happy I stay silent. Just hope she reads my eyes soon.
Lelsi 2012/03/12 12:11
Quote: EpIcInCoGnItO: My personal experiences say that somethings are better bottled up. If those thoughts are shared they may most probably cause a scar in the partners heart for sometime or forever. Keeping things bottled up not easy as it really keeps you frustrated all the time and makes you lonely but for the sake of keeping her happy I stay silent. Just hope she reads my eyes soon.

That's exactly my point of view bro/smileysometimes I will remain silent for the sake of his happiness, even if it hurt me inside- I can overcome it but I cannot overcome and forgive myself if I hurt him.

Eternal_Knight 2012/03/12 12:33
well somethings in love are such a moral dilemma...
Lelsi 2012/03/12 16:12
Quote: princess_nisha: never keep any secrets fr0m y0ur partner that 0nly dest0ry a relati0nship.a partner always wishes f0r y0u t0 be h0nest.n0 matter what ever pr0blem 0r pers0nal secret u have share it with y0ur partner,its either he undrstand y0ur pr0blem

I don`t mean to keep some big secrets from your partner, for example if you cheat on your partner and decide to keep it for yourself because telling him what you`ve done will hurt him(of course it will hurt him!), it is unfair and he needs to know that truth , coz sooner or later he would find out.
I`m talking about that small things which we decide to keep for ourselves, because either your partner need you to be his support at that moment and need to get all the attention, or when you know that telling them those little things may hurt them. Everyone wish others to be honest with them, but there are some moments when honesty is overrated.

Kayde 2012/03/12 16:35
I agree I would also keep things like someones feelings about my partner that would hurt if they said hurtful things if it was good things said then I would tell him I would never keep big secrets from him
KingFISHER 2012/03/12 17:02
secrets nvr share with ur partner at any circumstances. It may spoild ur happyness evn though may destroyd ur relation.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/03/12 21:31
A sign of a true relationship is if your partner can read your heart. I have experienced this. Sooner or later she comes to know.
Wolfman86 2012/03/12 21:46
Secrets destroy relationships. Complete honesty is best. Even if it could hurt them, they will be grateful for ur honesty
Male1974 2012/03/13 00:12
honesty is always best,but in some cases u need to keep it to yourself..
Mahesh 2012/03/13 01:59
Well, In relationship, I do not think you have a right to keep information from your mate. if there is something that you did while you are with your partner then you need to be honest with your partner. If you did something and you know what you did was wrong then he/she has a right to know. (Yes, the information may hurt them to know or it may hurt you if they know. I will say that I think it is more often the case that a person will not tell their partner something, not because it will hurt the other person but more so because they are worried it will cause them self problems or hurts or loss. Sort of like cheating. Is the cheater more worried about hurting the other person or are they really worried that it will hurt them if the other person knows?) but If you keep a secret from your partner for something that you did while you are with him then your relationship will be based on a lie. If you are an honest person then no matter how much you don't want to tell your partner the truth because you don't want to hurt him/her then your secret will eat you alive. And the day will come when you will have to tell him the truth. The longer you wait to tell him/her the truth the harder it will be for them to forgive you.
adamjr 2012/03/25 11:09
When you are in a relationship with someone, you what to keep the relationship alive by opening up to the one you love deeply in your heart. By keeping something like a secrete will eat you up inside and may kill your relationship. To tell you the truth, that was the worst mistake that I ever made by not opening up to my past relationship. I have to say it was a learning experience that I hope that it will not happen again.
Kayli 2015/04/27 20:40
Grt topic '
ladyme 2015/04/27 22:00
Never hide anything. It will hurt your partner more if that secret comes to his/her knowledge from another source. Lucid_Aspiration is right
saahir 2017/09/14 05:11
Agreed with you bro.rose.

Quote: adamjr: When you are in a relationship with someone, you what to keep the relationship alive by opening up to the one you love deeply in your heart. By keeping something like a secrete will eat you up inside and may kill your relationship. To tell you the truth, that was the worst mistake that I ever made by not opening up to my past relationship. I have to say it was a learning experience that I hope that it will not happen again.

Shien 2017/10/01 03:00
Whether one does or doesn't would depend on the context would it not, It isn't as if there is a single answer to fit all possible variations.

Keeping secrets has consequences, telling the truth has consequences. One simply needs to make peace with one in any given situation

Male1974 2017/10/05 04:17
There should be no secrets,but some things are better off bottled up inside.
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