Why we dont accept death? by Ali007 2012/03/07 20:16
we already knw 1 day is fix 4 death! Y we dnt be ready? Oh ! We r so so busy in tempararay word!
Male1974 2012/03/08 06:43
we all should accept death,its gonna happen one day and we should be ready for it,because u cant stop it..
Lelsi 2012/03/08 08:23
The fact is nobody wants to die, even tough you know you will leave this world forever , still when that moment comes you'd want to live one more day..

Death is the only ultimate truth which is beyond doubt, accepting it may be tough but one should keep in mind that can leave this world anytime, and should make every day of his life memorable and worth of living.

Doncle 2012/03/08 08:26
Oh death pls
_EdGE_ 2012/03/08 08:39
All have to die its a truth
but noone wants to die its also the truth

unfortunately its also the truth that its not in the hands of humans to control it/smiley

_rOcK_ 2012/03/08 09:11
Thats human nature...
humans always dont accept their biggest truth of life..
Hope everyone prepares themselves for death before death.../smiley

KingFISHER 2012/03/08 11:03
lts doubtless truth u confess it or not. U are ready or not. U wil be ready or not u must ve to go to the last destination. Be prepare plz everybody. May Allah make ur sense to be prepare for death.
opened85 2012/03/08 14:42
because we not ready yet to die. Hehe
GhAyAl 2012/03/08 19:20
Netime most welcome...death i happily hug u
Sweet_Divyanka 2012/03/08 20:55
Thats our destiny and we can't evite it even if we want too /smiley
Boet 2012/03/08 21:02
Difficult to accept, because of our fears for the unknown.
-Marizelle- 2012/03/08 21:07
Death is part of our life. Even if its 2 hard 2 accept it
Miracle1177 2012/03/21 16:20
Only an unrighteous man is afraid of death,because he knows not where his soul is going to,but a righteous man is never afraid of death,because he knows where he is going to and the death of a saint is a preciouse thing in the sight of God.
Yizreel 2012/03/29 05:54
Sometimes it is not death but the way the person died. If a person died in his or her sleep , it is more excepted than a person who is murdered.
jaQui 2012/03/31 00:27
Death being inescapable does
not somehow make it less
frightening. The reason we fear it
is because we have no provable
way of knowing what happens
when we die. Some religions try to answer this question, and
science tries as well, but in the
end, we really have nothing but
faith to go on.

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