Dear Earphones by EpIcInCoGnItO2012/03/07 19:13 I dedicate this day to my dearest earphones which are nearing the end of their lives. They are half dead now with the left one not working.-sad-
Bought in early 2010 it has stayed with me for so long. A Sony product with red chrome colour on the necks. Awesome performance all along except that i had to manually fix the jack wiring once with cellotape.
Just now I found out that the end is near. I remember buying a new panasonic one in early 2011 but they betrayed me and left me just within 1 day. And this guy just kept on through all the summer heat, sweat and dust. The rough travelling and the jerks. A salute to you my friend. I wish your recycled and meet me again some day.
Do you have something just like this which if gone missing will hurt you?
Manal2012/03/07 19:56 used philips,wherever,whenever u are togetherlike light bulb
Lelsi2012/03/07 19:58 Actually I don't get attached to material things, so losing them don't really make me sad, still you can save your earphones even tough they're not working.
Sweetcapricorn2012/03/07 21:06 Vincent dn,t be sad dear.the thngs we used r dear to us eithr material things or nt bt our link with them is more important.ur link shows dat ur da most caring person ,and u knw its a gud thng coz those who take care of material things wl definitely take care of relations more than that.dn,t b sad ok
GhAyAl2012/03/07 21:35 Akasaki earpiece try it lol
scarllete2012/03/08 00:08 aawwww how sad ur such a caring person but that's life..just buy a new one dude ..
cmail2012/03/08 01:59 new nine days old hundred days ...its nature rule here who comes must go ... we also sad after ur earphone he was a poor fellow ... likewise bull he too much hard works for u ..always first he information u happy and sad news from near and dear also he took u at imaginary world when music play on ... but now bear this loss .. we know its unbearable ... but if u became weak then what made of mobile so left ... see toward ur mobile he became lonely gives earphone last farewal ...just wait for us we all reach at right times ...never be sad we all wid u ..hahahaha
Male19742012/03/08 02:37 id be lost if my phone quit working..good luck with your earphones..
Mahesh2012/03/08 03:02 I have large collection of toys that i simply don't have room for but i'm convinced somehow they will feel sad if i throw them out. They were a big part of my childhood, i want to keep them forever lol.
Someone2012/03/08 05:16 (yes) Have one such thing.., My OLD, bulky, half dead Nokia N-70... -hahaha- That mobile want retirement from long but i keep using it.