Special Love by Toria 2012/02/29 16:58
Special Love

Please wait to hear music

Sometimes I wake up
in the middle of the night
shivering from fright
feeling empty
feeling nothing
because I think about
how it would be
if you weren't here
And then I wonder
if you really know
how very much
you mean to me
how incredible
I think you are
how you are
a part of all my emotions
how you are
the deepest meaning in my life
Please always know
that I love you
more than anything else
in the world
GhAyAl 2012/02/29 17:21
Unconditional love
Rita 2012/03/01 00:57
oh its special indeed
Baka 2012/03/01 15:41
owh gheeeezzzzz /smiley
BacKB 2012/03/02 23:15
/smiley ee e
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