What you eat affect ur lifestyle by
J_Dz 2012/02/21 07:38
The kind of food u eat on a daily basis affects your health thereby your behaviour, and the way u eat what u always like
Boet 2012/02/21 22:25
Also, your lifestyle determines what you will eat. A healthy lifestyle, equals wholesome foods
-Marizelle- 2012/02/22 02:20
Unlucky for me its not impossible to eat healthy at this moment in my life. Being pregnant I have a huge craving for unhealty food like chocolates.Usally I eat healthy meals,watch my weight and excercise daily in the gim.
Male1974 2012/02/22 04:40
true,some foods do affect your lifestyle,i try to eat healthy but not always possible.
Rita 2012/02/23 16:59
oh my god i eat alot
TheMouse 2012/02/24 14:52
Sometimes lifestyle can also have an impact on what you eat. For example, I love killing humans, so that has a lot to do with my cooking as a result as I don't let anything go to waste.
Damain 2012/02/25 03:34
A balanced and healthy lifestile ask for a daily balanced diet.
Pr1ya 2012/04/08 12:40
Very true. -goodpost-
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