A unhappy ex-moderator. by
-Marizelle- 2012/02/18 09:22
Can someone been forgotten that easily? No one ever wonder what happens to you? I spend some of the most wonderfull hours of my life in forums. I help my friends to change their nicknames. Creating news,of love and marraige. Laugh for hours with my friends in Afrikaans room. Some times have to kick my friends out as there was 60 plus users in one chatroom. I went offline for 4months in 2006 after a motor accident where I almost was left blind. I wanted to return as mod. None of my friends remembers me,i was kicked out from the staff team. why? I cnt really chat at those times,as my sight was so bad. In 2011 i have a operation that gave me my sight back 100%. Now im back,ready for action again. Everything changes. Will I ever be part of the team again? Will I gain enough trust from the other members online. Will admin remembers me?
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