Valentine's Day Love Message Contest 2012 by Mahesh 2012/02/07 12:45
Hello and Welcome to the 2wapworld's Valentine's Day Love Message Contest 2012!

How to join?
1. Post a short Valentines Day message as a comment in this topic. Make it as sweet, romantic, or heartwarming as possible. It may be written in English!
2. You may dedicate the message to anyone your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, parents, your child, or that special someone who makes a difference in your life or even your pet or to no one at all (also ok!).
3. Only one entry per user. For multiple entries by the same user, only the first entry will be valid.
4. Post your entry anytime until February 13,Monday. The poster with the best Valentines Day message will be declared the winner and announced on February 14, Tuesday.
5. No freeposting!

Start posting your Valentines Day message below and win some pluses.
>Winners will recieve the following prizes!
-first- place > 500 pluses!
-second- place > 300 pluses!
-third- place > 200 pluses!
Thanks & Good luck!
This topic is closed.
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