Why Every Woman Needs a Money Buddi! by Toria 2012/02/05 10:28
Why Every Woman Needs a Money Buddi!

No woman wants to date a guy who is a financial mess and it's important for women to get their finances in order before committing themselves and their pocketbooks to a guy. Now you've got a "buddi" to help!
Log onto Sourceforge.net, and do a site map search for Buddi. You have just found one of the best free financial sites to help you manage your budget.

Log your information in and your budget will quickly be customized to meet your needs.
Keep track of everything like purchases, bills due and unexpected expenses.

Track your spending habits and keep track of your short term and long term financial goals.
This is a free site that works for you and is easy to access, use and update. Check out "Buddi" at Sourceforge.net and get your financial house in order today!
Someone 2012/07/30 07:46
Topic's description didn't match with given link. Sourceforge.net is software sharing site.
This topic is closed.
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