♥The Power of Emptiness♥ by
GhAyAl 2012/02/01 20:12
The mind is completely silent, we are attentive – a clear consciousness,
All meanings, boundaries disappear – us and the Infinite are "One";
Practically, we have a new mind – always fresh.
Being in the pause – I become infinite!
It separates two worlds. I leave the limited world
And enter Boundlessness, through total melting;
The whole being is calm – a constant sparkle.
There is no time, no space – just everlasting Eternity;
I move in direct contact with life, in a permanent present.
I am Pure Energy, without motivations
Source : book of silence
Pr1ya 2012/02/01 20:49
Wow, -goodpost- absolutely amazing! Power interweaves itself in various situations but becomes useful in creating hierachies that epitomises who One truly is. It also challenges the boundaries to what we have the potential to become- our very best! I loved reading this! The source of it says a lot and I believe that Silence is Golden and its the actions that actually speaks louder than words.
Ogolos 2012/02/01 21:17
Best post of the day
good job
Boet 2012/02/01 21:23
A very powerful lesson to be learned herin. Explosive stuff!
R49hu 2012/02/02 07:10
excellent thread -up-
simba1211 2013/04/06 13:06
beautiful this forum is trying to make me soft and shyar kind a person tonite i will also think and write something meaningful and something in rhythm.
Hareesh 2013/04/25 12:12
-goodpost- ...
Trax 2013/10/23 04:29
gr8 post by d gr8 man..!
goodluckforu 2013/10/23 04:47
Excellent way to explain the most-valued silence which we're unable to realise & accept.
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