*TeddyBear Says. by
Mahesh 2012/02/01 14:00
My name is Friendship Bear and someone sent me to visit you! I'm not a very fancy bear, I'm rather plain and kind of small, Even so ... someone who likes you Said I should give you a call. -teddy-
You can hide me under a pillow Or set me on a shelf, And when you feel discouraged, I will do my best to help.
I'm sitting on my favorite blanket That I snuggle when I'm sad, It was a present from my Granny, Made for days when things seemed bad. My Granny always told me, "Life is like this 'ol blanket, ‘Cause if you give the pieces to God, He'll make a perfect quilt."
Sometimes I don't see a pattern, And sometimes He seems far away, That is when I clutch my blanket, And pray ... pray ... pray! Though I don't have all the answers, ‘Cause I'm just a friendly bear, I've been sent here on this mission From someone who really cares. -bear1-
So every time you see me, Please remember this ... The person who sent me to you, Keeps you in their thoughts and prayers. .flowers.
Pr1ya 2012/02/01 15:15
Awww, soooo sweeet! The use of smilies is adorable. I loved reading this. Too cute!
To me, everyone in life needs a friendly Friendship bear; young or old, we all need one to cuddle to sometimes. When no one seems to listen or be there, atleast a Friendship Bear would be.. It would never push us away when we really need someone to hug.
GhAyAl 2012/02/01 18:38
My reddy bear lost smewhr
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