till now vipul was sleeping by
Musafir 2012/01/27 09:12
friends please check this topic and say do you think that there is any thing in this topic which is against rules and ruining or fighting with someone. :)
topic id: 2983742
in my this topic user @ Sami started abusing me and Zeast without any reason.
Zeast and manal pmd me that who is Sami and why he is ruining my topic.
sami did many posts which were making trouble and MANAL, ZEAST ND FARAH ARE PROOF OF IT :)
till that our flop moderator vipul was sleeping on his fernObed.
when i posted something which was answer of his abusing posts.
Our flop moderator vipul erased all posts and pm d me that i should not fight and all.
Infact that was Islamic argument and vipul is uneducated in Islamic knowledge.
I have a question if our flop moderator have that posts which he erased then please show it here from start.
Trying to be owner of 2 wap will not make you hero but zero remains zero it will always remain behind 1.
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