Let's talk about LIFE by tmab2012/01/12 13:49 I feel that life is just an acronym
L. I. F. E
and it is
Living Instead of Feeling Extinct
if you have a problem and feel you are not accepted,just live ur life Happily.:):D;)8-) not :(;(:@
tmab2012/01/12 13:55 Live your life with caution
cos life's an illusion
you might think your seed is covered not knowing that it is only undergoing germination
punamchand2012/01/12 16:46 LIFE IS STRUGGLE FACE IT FRNDS.
tmab2012/01/12 17:07 I do not think that life is ''struggle'' (If You have God)
tmab2012/01/12 17:17 Now I'm :|...a minute I feel life is easy...& another minute it's bad...I guess life's dynamic; but FACE IT..,no matter the trouble life brings,Never give up.
tmab2012/01/12 19:36 Sometimes life's easy
Sometimes life's hard
a minute U are happy
And the next U are sad
but live your life like birds who never think of what they would eat
most times they see solid foods and are unable to bite because of no teeth...
Live your life like ants always hustling
as small as they are they............
tmab2012/01/13 13:44 God gives life. If U say U luv Him then why kill ur fellow human being?
TheMouse2012/01/13 13:53 Since I'm without religion I'm taking full responsibility for my life and everything I do in it.
tmab2012/01/13 13:56 RAMS! U are right. Life's a welcomed Blessing.
Pr1ya2012/01/13 17:55 The purpose of life is a life of purpose. I also believe that life is a Blessing and life is what we make of it.