Ghanta Singh by THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/01/07 19:57
The chief of all sardars
in the world, banta
singh was addressing all
sardars when everyone
demanded that he go
and find who was
responsible for all the
sardarji jokes and put
an end to all this. Banta
singh agreed and said it
was about time
someone did something
about it.
After several months
of research banta singh
discovered that the
person who was
writing all the surd
jokes was a sardarji
called ghanta singh.
Banta singh went to
ghanta's house and
asked him why he
wrote all those jokes
about sardars showing
them as dumb and that
he should stop
Ghanta said, "yes, i
enjoy writing them and
people like hearing
And i will only stop if
you can prove that we
sardars are intelligent.
Since you are the chief
of sardars i will ask you
a question. If you
answer correctly i will
stop writing jokes
about sardars.
Otherwise you would
have proved we sardars
deserve it."
Banta singh agreed.
Ghanta asked him, "the
question goes like this...
I live in my house with
two other persons. One
is my child who sleeps
in one bedroom. In the
other bedroom my wife
sleeps with the third
person. Tell me who is
the third person?"
banta singh thought for
ten minutes and then
gave up, "i dont know
this was tough!"
Ghanta singh said,
"stupid! I said i live in
my house with two
other persons... So the
answer is the third
person is ghanta singh!"
Banta singh agreed and
returned disappointed
to his followers. They
asked him what had
He said, "friends, i think
we deserve these
jokes, ghanta singh
asked me a question
and i couldnt answer."
All others asked him
what the question was
and that they would
surely be able to
answer it. So banta
singh asked them, "i live
in my house with two
other persons. One is
my child who sleeps in
one bedroom. In the
other bedroom my wife
sleeps with the third
person. Tell me who is
the third person?"
All the sardars thought
for several minutes
then gave up. Banta
singh said, "you see...
You're all stupid. I'll give
you the answer... The
third person is ghanta
R49hu 2012/01/07 20:03
/smiley funny
TemPEST 2012/01/07 21:03
Elongated -goodjob-
punamchand 2012/01/08 03:20
What a funny frnd!
Denza 2012/01/09 02:25
Oh shxt..
Sleep with Ghanta singh.

Hppydevil 2012/01/09 03:27
.lol. Nice one
The_Torpid 2013/02/06 09:44
Good Joke!!-goodwork-
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/28 11:53
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