I Sell Animated 3D Personal Logo by Hentai2012/01/07 07:38 Well, maybe you are borring with your Personal Smiley and want something new for your Trade Mark -lol- so here, i sell personal logo. It will we your eclusive mark coz guaranteeeeeee none of recent 2wap Smiley Maker can make it -grins-
The price? Aaahhhh its sooo so so cheap for 2wap members which most of them are rich in plusses (you wont take your plusses with you anyway when you die), only 300 plusses and you have a personal logo like this
like this
or like this
(click the pict to see it animated)
And i will only make 5 personal logo
How to Order
1. Request here with logo or pict that you want to add to your personal logo (if you are too lazy, il search it for you at google :p )
2. I'll quote it and said for ok
3. Transfer 300 plusses to my acc
4. I'll make your personal logo after i got your plusses