"Which Colour Dress" by Sweetcapricorn 2011/12/31 16:13
Hey frnds nw jst tel whch colour of dress suits u a lot nd u thnk that u wl buy it always"

Eternal_Knight 2011/12/31 16:20
mostly i buy black..
latrine 2011/12/31 16:41
transparent clothing is always best
_rOcK_ 2011/12/31 17:15
black always /smiley
R49hu 2011/12/31 17:33
BrAvE 2011/12/31 22:09
Sweetcapricorn 2011/12/31 22:12
Shush14 2011/12/31 22:20
Black shirt. If having waist coat.
Sweetcapricorn 2011/12/31 23:11
Sky blue
Mahesh 2012/01/01 02:44
For shirts, just a plain white T-shirt and for pants, I usually like black or navy blue! /smiley
Ice-Fairy 2012/01/01 07:57
Black or red
-linda- 2012/01/01 10:34
I will buy colourful dress, not that bright colour, just simple but looked nice and neat maybe formal, with some pattern clothes .glow.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/01/01 10:50
/smiley I advice the same/smiley
Quote: latrine: transparent clothing is always best

punamchand 2012/01/04 01:54
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: Hey frnds nw jst tel whch colour of dress suits u a lot nd u thnk that u wl buy it always"

TemPEST 2012/01/05 05:14
Blue bt mostly faded one
_Mysterious_ 2012/01/06 04:23
Pr1ya 2012/01/06 16:01
The colour 'Nude', 'cos I am fair in complexion and it looks amazing on me.
SAGITTARIUS 2012/01/06 17:49
Blue sky and white.
Sonali 2012/01/06 22:38
Black & White combination.
Okikiola 2012/01/07 07:49
GhAyAl 2012/01/08 18:53

Replies: 38

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