Guilty by
_KJOE_ 2011/12/24 00:59
[b]A man is in court. The Judges says,"on the 3rd August you are accused of killing your wife by beating her to death with a hammer, how do you plead?"
"Guilty", said the man in the dock.
At this point a man at the back of the court stood up and shouted "You dirty rat!" The Judge asked the man to site down and to refrain from making any noise.
The Judge continued "..... and that also on the 17th September you are accused of killing your son by beating him to death with a hammer, how do you plead"?[/b]
Ladida 2011/12/24 18:00
not funny . . .
TemPEST 2011/12/26 16:22
Is this an epigram
Sulley 2012/01/04 12:28
is a set up
Kumz 2014/10/30 09:55
A man is in court. The Judges says,"on the 3rd
August you are accused of killing your wife by
beating her to death with a hammer, how do you
"Guilty", said the man in the dock.
At this point a man at the back of the court stood
up and shouted "You dirty rat!" The Judge asked
the man to sit down and to refrain from making
any noise.
The Judge continued "..... and that also on the
17th September you are accused of killing your
son by beating him to death with a hammer, how
do you plead"?
"Guilty", said the man in the dock.
Again the same man at the back stood up and
shouted even louder, "You dirty rotten stinking
At this point the Judge called the man to the
bench and said, "I have already asked you to be
quiet, if you continue with these outbursts, I will
have to charge you with contempt of court. I can
understand your feelings, but what relationship
have you to this man?"
He replied "He is my next door neighbor".
The Judge replied, "I can understand your feelings
then, but you must refrain from any comments".
The man replied "NO, your Honor, you don't
Twice I have asked if I could borrow a hammer,
and BOTH TIMES he said he didn't have one"!!!
Kumz 2014/10/30 09:56
There we go...
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