Intercessors For Israel by
Yizreel 2011/12/21 12:39
Intercessors for Israel warmly invites you to 'The International Prayer Conference' in Jerusalem. January 23-30,2012. For more information , please visit our website at :
Yizreel 2011/12/21 12:50
You are also invited to a 14 day action packed tour of Israel on 16-30 July 2012. Bring 5 friends and get 25 per cent off, bring 10 get 50 per cent off, Bring 20 and come for FREE ! ! *1490-00 excl flights.
Yizreel 2011/12/21 12:51
That is in US Dollars.
Yizreel 2011/12/26 07:15
Please pray for protection for all Ebenezer Operation Exodus workers and their families.
TemPEST 2011/12/28 02:13
Goodjob,keep it up
jaQui 2011/12/28 12:53
Thanx 4 sharing
Yizreel 2011/12/29 14:04
Are You 18-35 or do you think you are still young of heart ? Do you want to take an interesting trip to Israel ? Go see
Yizreel 2012/01/02 15:40
Remember , There is Answer to Prayr !
TaLkInG-PEN 2012/01/03 23:50
Hmmm, great work bro. I wish i could come.
jaQui 2012/01/04 02:30
battle today for
Israel requires
assistance from
the body of
Messiah. While we
have entered into
our inheritance in
Messiah Yeshua,
we must lead the
way so that the
whole house of
Israel will possess
its full spiritual and
physical inheritance.
The battle is too large
for one prayer group, one congregation, or
even all the believers
in the Land. It is a battle for the whole body of Messiah,
fitly joined together,
under the direction
of the local Israeli
It is a fierce battle.
While there are
many places in the
world where the
manifestation of
the evil one and
his minions is much
more evident than
in Israel,
still it is here that we have the greatest
concentration of
demonic power on
the face of the
As we discern the powers and principalities
that are ruling the
darkness of this
age, we see that
many of them
have their seat of
power in the Land
of Israel. Why?
Because the devil
knows the Word of
The evil one knows that the Lord is not
returning first to
the Himalayas or
Moscow or New
York, etc.,
but to Jerusalem.
The King of the Jews
is returning to the
capital of the
Jewish State.
jaQui 2012/01/04 03:23
Pray for the
peace of
“May those
who love
you be
there be
within your
walls and
within your
Psalm 122:6-7
Yizreel 2012/01/08 19:17
Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to bring understanding, revelation and light to those still blind to God's plans and purposes for Israel and the Jewish people .
jaQui 2012/01/10 05:57
Agree with u
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