N0k!A Thmz by _h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/18 09:46
Era m UPL0ad!ng sm R0mANT!C Thmz f0 N0k!a ceLLph0n3 us3RS....
_h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/18 10:51
Sp0rtz R3laTEd ThMZ
Someone 2011/12/18 10:59
Weldon Akki. /smiley
_h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/18 11:11
GuyZ m st!l UPl0adg...
K3ep vis!TIN diz thr3ad.

Saintless 2011/12/18 11:15
Unfortunately my phone is choosey.. The last time I downloaded theme, it failed to open so I gave up..
Manal 2011/12/18 11:23
Yungboss 2011/12/18 11:23
thats 4 java, u got smting 4 v2 newest fone
_h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/18 11:54
Quote: mnal: failed/smiley

Sm'l w0rk fo ur 73

_h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/18 11:56
Quote: Yungboss: thats 4 java, u got smting 4 v2 newest fone

ok lemme try

_h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/18 12:02
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/12/18 18:59
Okay. Fine work. Let me download.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/12/18 20:31
Must say a thanks. I have been searching for low sized themes like these. /smiley
Quote: _AKKi_: TeCHN0log!3s

_rOcK_ 2011/12/18 20:56
thats good work keep sharing /smiley
_h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/19 03:45
Awww tnx br0da
Quote: EpicIncognitO: Must say a thanks. I have been searching for low sized themes like these. /smiley

Samuel099 2014/01/08 13:07
It work on my nokia6303i
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