who likes any romantic movie? by Hppydevil 2011/12/17 09:14
Those who like plz share name and why u like it

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/12/17 10:49
Rab ne bana di jodi-up- good one.
Hppydevil 2011/12/17 11:38
Cool yup gud selection dude
FunkySoul 2011/12/17 19:01
dirty dancing
whispaz 2011/12/20 11:17
i really don't like it
latrine 2011/12/20 17:47
x men 3 was a nice romantic movie
yasmine 2011/12/21 19:13
i lyk adam nd eve..its very romantic
__adisa__ 2011/12/27 14:46
I lke it.
TemPEST 2011/12/28 01:56
I do like adam nd eve
wiLLyRockz 2011/12/28 05:54
som tymzzz
Manal 2012/10/09 06:28
titanic is ok
Manal 2012/10/09 06:29
the twilight saga/smiley
Manal 2012/10/09 06:29
dark shadows
Georginia 2013/10/12 07:54
Lake House

Wycker Park.

NAASH 2013/10/12 23:52
Movie: 'Shakespeare in love"

Movie: 'The english patient"

Movie: 'Titanic"

NAASH 2013/10/12 23:53
In Bollywood...

Movie: 'DDLJ"

SONIC 2013/10/14 06:53
sahadev 2013/10/14 16:17
rab ne bana di jodi
Georginia 2013/10/15 10:34
The Notebook- best dialogue.
Georginia 2013/10/15 10:35
Kal ho na ho.
SAGITTARIUS 2013/10/16 16:32
Lava..Dimple+Sanjeeve Kapoor
Replies: 32

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