Nokia E5 cert error by Yungboss 2011/12/11 09:50
Please my nokia E5 when installing a software like sis n sisx it wont install ratha writes cert error. Pls help
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/12/11 10:20
Certificate error can be easily resolved if you select the correct phone while downloading the app.
Eternal_Knight 2011/12/11 11:52
also if u have selected appropriate phone and problem persists then u have to sign the app or hack ur phone.. There is pinned topic on hacking and shining check it..
Yungboss 2011/12/11 15:25
bt i hav tried hackin it bt i wont even install drakarious. N also i dnt knw the FP group the E5 belong
Eternal_Knight 2011/12/11 16:27
hack it with heloX. U wud need signed app though. Try making certificate of phone. E5 is latest version must belong to s60v5.
redbLue 2011/12/12 00:17
well.. nowadays, changing phone like changing clothes
Eternal_Knight 2011/12/12 03:57
Quote: redbLue: well.. nowadays, changing phone like changing clothes

y do u have dis urge to post when u cant add anything better to topic. . . .

redbLue 2011/12/12 22:27
I dnt knw..
zchat 2011/12/13 05:18
itz Certificate error
Yungboss 2011/12/16 19:08
Quote: Eternal_Knight: hack it with heloX. U wud need signed app though. Try making certificate of phone. E5 is latest version must belong to s60v5.
No d E5 belongs to S60v3 nt v5

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