GP n Afaque;) by haris2011/12/07 14:36 Afaque n GP were travellin long distance in a train. They didnt knew each othr.
Afaque took a nap when the train started runnin. But Gp was gettin bored. So he wakes up afaque and said, ''hey dude, get up. Letz play, i hav a game for u''
Afaque: let me sleep plz, m not interested.
GP: well, the game is, ''i wil ask u a question, if u came up wid correct answer then i wil give u 5dollars, othrwise u hav to give me 5dollars for wrong or no answer.''
Afaque: ''no man m not interested''
GP: well, let me make it more interestin for u. U pay me 5dollars for each wrong or no answer. And i wil pay u 50dollars for my wrong or no answer.
Afaque: (gets lil interested now, thinkin that thr is no othr way to shut GP's mouth) -lol2-
And says,'' okay letz start then'' (and sleeps again).
GP: question is, '' name the capital of India?''
Afaque: wakes up n gives 5dollars to GP n sleeps again.
GP: ''hey dude now itz ur turn, plz ask me a question''
Afaque: okay okay, ''what goes up the hill on three legs n comes back on four?''
(sleeps again).
GP: thinks,
Keeps thinkin
calls a frnd n asks
Surfs internet.
(after an hour or so, GP gives up n hands over 50dollars to afaque) -lol-
And afaque sleeps again.
Now itz GP's turn to ask.
GP: ''what goes up the hill on three legs n comes back on four''?
''Afaque wakes up n hands over 5dollars to GP n sleeps again''. -rofl1-
Pr1ya2011/12/07 16:25 Hahaha, -hahaha- awesome joke Haris
TheMouse2011/12/07 16:35 I knew the joke with a lawyer and a blonde on a plane. The lawyer wants to play to chat her up, blonde woman is bored, gets 50 for her question and gives back 5. Comes up somewhere under blonde jokes or lawyers jokes.