punch brother..! by BhAnUSaNdEeP 2011/12/07 11:28
Unknown call..
He: do u have a bf?
She: yes, who are u?
He: I'm your brother ! Just
wait till i come home !
... ...
Another unknown call
He : do u have a bf ?
She : no no I don't
He : what ? :O!! I'm ur bf ,
u just break my heart..
She : No no no darling I'm
sorry I though u r my
He : Right ! I'm ur brother..
Just wait till I come
home!! :P :D
_h3AvEn_KiNG_ 2011/12/07 11:36

Ice-Fairy 2011/12/07 11:37
Lol no comment/smiley
BhAnUSaNdEeP 2011/12/07 11:37
add karma if u like../smiley
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/12/07 11:42
Good one. Next call. Do you have husband? /smiley
Saintless 2011/12/07 11:59
Okay I see... /smiley
THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/12/07 12:01
. . . . . . .

LoneLy_heArt 2011/12/07 14:34
The_Torpid 2012/10/05 14:07
Okay let come him home 1st.Then i will coment.
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