Phone Functions by Saintless 2011/12/01 10:34
Among all the functions available on your phone, which one is do you like most?
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/12/01 10:59
The function to send emails upto 10 accounts allowed and record upto 10 mb. And yes the java support for browsers.
Mahesh 2011/12/01 13:17
It works when i want it to, that is enough for me! /smiley
latrine 2011/12/01 18:53
the 1 function is the ability to make calls an receive calls,also its an excellent mosquito repellent
Ogolos 2011/12/01 20:43
To make call and recieve call
redbLue 2011/12/02 01:28
the one can become transfomer /smiley
manjsrecord 2011/12/02 21:05
Storing my personal-info on it, browzin doing intanet busineses n cheking my on line accs with my mobile phone.
TemPEST 2011/12/04 11:54
The turning on nd off my phone
Smarty 2015/09/24 00:19
I think Among all the functions available on my phone which one is a lot of things.
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