12 Mobile Dictionaries[jar] by allexclusive 2011/11/27 12:45

12 Dictionaries in jar format
Eng to Bengali 2, Oxford English Mini, Oxford Idioms, Oxford Business, Oxford Bible, English to English 2, English to Arabic 2 & English to Hindi 2

redbLue 2011/11/27 13:52
had to say.. you full of sunshine -smoking-
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/11/27 15:17
Awesome/smiley can you get me a global translator app bro?
__RoMaNTiC_JaTT__ 2011/11/27 15:18
its gud site bro
Someone 2011/11/27 18:33
Great stuff. Thanks for sharing
TemPEST 2011/12/01 01:25
Good share,still hard to get
#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
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