appt by mbell 2011/11/24 15:27
A sudden loss of
appetite is an indication
of an array of
complications from
stress to digestive
system diseases. To
find out the causes,
symptoms and
treatment for a loss in
your appetite, read on!
Many people complain
about their inability to
consume proper food.
Some people refuse to eat
even when they are
hungry. In many people,
this feeling is accompanied
with nausea which is
experienced before and/or
after forcefully eating the
food. This condition is
known as a loss of- or a
decreased appetite which is
scientifically referred to as
anorexia. This feeling of loss
of appetite is mostly
temporary and people get
over it, within the timespan
of one or two days.
However, it could be a
serious cause of concern
when this feeling stays on,
for more than two-three
days. There are a lot of
reasons why a person
suffers with a sudden loss
of appetite, which is
sometimes accompanied
with a nauseating feeling,
headache and extreme
thirst. A sudden occurrence
of this feeling is in itself a
symptom of a large array
of diseases or health
conditions. Severity of the
underlying health
conditions for a decreased
appetite mostly depends on
the symptoms that are
experienced with this
Causes of Sudden Loss
of Appetite;
As I explained in the
introduction, symptoms of
this condition include
duration of its onset, degree
graduate, sudden or
constant, other
accompanying medical
conditions, sicknesses and
symptoms like nausea,
weight loss, vomiting,
diarrhea, headache, mood
swings, etc. Whether the
patient has selective
anorexia, which is restricted
to either a certain food
group or all foods. The
doctor will also check
whether the patient has
recently gone through any
mental or physical trauma.
The following are some of
the most probable causes
of loss of appetite that are
sometimes accompanied
with other physiological
symptoms. Take a look at
these causes.
Emotional Stress;
As we all know, emotional
highs and lows have a
significant effect on our
appetite. It is the reason
why stressful situations like
excess workload, losing a
job, losing a loved one,
performance anxiety,
stressful examination,
depression, etc. are some
negative types of stress
elements that can work
negatively on your appetite.
On the other hand, people
who are charged with
extreme excitement like a
wedding function, finding a
new job, promotion, and
other such life changing
experiences like falling in
love; which are positive
stress elements, can cause
a sudden but temporary
decrease in appetite.
Evaluating the severity of
the causes behind loss of
appetite and consulting a
doctor is a mandate for
such onsets.
Many women complain
about sudden loss of
appetite in pregnancy. This
feeling is mostly evident in
the first trimester itself. In
pregnancy, this condition of
decreased appetite is also
accompanied with
vomiting, nausea and
selective anorexia, which
means women feel like
eating specific types of food
only. In an advanced stage
of pregnancy, this condition
is mainly caused due to the
added pressure of the
uterus on the bowel, that
causes constipation and
loss of appetite. Drinking
plenty of water, eating
smaller servings of healthy
meals throughout the day
and avoiding fatty foods are
some of the things that
such women can do. If the
symptoms are constant, it
is better to consult an ob-
Several Infections;
Various types of viral,
bacterial and fungal
infections could cause one
to lose their appetite.
Various types of infections
like influenza, pneumonia,
liver infections like hepatitis
A, hepatitis B, inflammation
of liver, lung infections like
tuberculosis, kidney
infections like pyelonephritis, HLV/AIDS, ulcerative colitis, etc. are common causes that lead to sudden loss of appetite in children as well as adults. However, it is important to understand that in such medical conditions, this feeling is also accompanied with numerous other significant symptoms, making it easy for diagnosis. Some of the common symptoms of infection include severe types of pain, fever, cold, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, etc. Serious Diseases; Losing one's appetite is one of the common causes of numerous chronic and serious diseases that are mostly life threatening. Organ failure incidences include liver failure, kidney failure, congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, etc. Various types of diseases like kidney disease, liver diseases, heart diseases, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Various types of cancer like colon cancer, leukemia, kidney cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, etc. These diseases have pretty uncommon and asymptomatic signs that should never be overlooked. It is the reason why constant onsets of loss of appetite both sudden and gradual, should better be diagnosed by a professional health care provider. Autoimmune Disorders; Various autoimmune disorders and diseases like diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases, scleroderma, various types of arthritis and especially rheumatoid arthritis, etc. may cause a loss in one's appetite. In some cases there is a gradual decrease in the severity of this feeling, while in other cases it is quite sudden. It is also experienced with other symptoms like sudden weight loss, nausea, low blood sugar levels, joint pain, etc. As I mentioned earlier, in case you experience continuous and constant loss of appetite and you have a family history of any of the autoimmune disorders, then it is always advisable to consult a knowledgeable health care professional. Other Reasons; Apart from all the reasons that are mentioned above, several psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, eating disorders like bulimia, binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, etc. may cause this health condition. Certain types of medication like depression medication, hypertension medication, antibiotics, narcotics, alcohol, metformin, and medical therapies like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. may also cause a sudden and constant feeling of loss of appetite and nausea, with several other physiological symptoms.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/11/25 02:14
Thanks for informing us. Though I remember I have never had sudden loss of appetite except once when I was in depression and stress. Didnt eat for 9 days at a stretch.
jandre 2013/04/16 07:03
i love what u saying
KingFISHER 2013/04/19 19:11
Thank u frnd for ur Nice helpfull sharing.
Male1974 2013/04/26 03:34
good info. thanks.
InternetLord 2013/06/26 14:58
nice info keep it up
yemadep 2013/06/26 21:06
Thanks very very much
Tlight 2013/07/21 12:55
Too Longggggggggg!
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/16 18:54
Nice info friend....but little long..../smiley
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