Urgent Appeal to Farmers!! (by R.U.D.E.) by TheMouse 2011/11/15 15:57
Today, R.U.D.E. (Rodents' Unlimited Daily Enlightenment) launches this URGENT appeal to all farmers in the world: . . . In the management of your farm animals, do NOT allow specimens of different species to mate with eachother! - For example, don't let the chickens mate with the sheep, the dog with the cows, or the geese with the pigs! . . . The offspring of such combinations very often consists in VERY DANGEROUS MONSTERS, perhaps with beaks as big as houses, teeth as sharp as laser beams and huge as skyscrapers, or two pairs of wings of the size of an airport each one - and the worst of it is that THOSE CREATURES EAT M I C E (!!!), DANDELIONS, CURRY, CELLPHONES, and INTERNET FORUM ADMINISTRATORS!! - - - Therefore, all farmers of the world, please, be aware of safe sex amongst your farm animals - DON'T LET THEM MINGLE! [This urgent health and safety appeal has been designed and put forward by R.U.D.E., your reliable Rodents' Unlimited Daily Enlightenment.]
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/11/15 16:02
Geeeeeez ! /smiley never imagined farm animals are such deadly planners. Beware/smiley
scarllete 2011/11/16 04:08
, do NOT allow specimens of different species to mate with eachother! - For example, don't let the chickens mate with the sheep, the dog with the cows, or the geese with the pigs.. /smiley ohh gooossshhhh /smiley i cant imagine this -hahaha-
Vaibhav 2011/11/16 10:21
Haha Nice .lol.
TemPEST 2011/11/16 11:43
The mouse what re u still doing on my farm after all u said?
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/14 09:32
Haha goodone ya..
Crownstar 2013/09/14 15:37
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/12/29 20:56
H.ahahaha .ihe.
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