Natural Remedies for Diabetes by Lelsi 2011/11/14 10:07
I made this topic because an important event is held on this day- World Diabetes Day.It is held on november 14 each year , the event aims to increase an awareness of the effects of diabetes and its complications amongst the general population and professionals in a range of sectors.

Diabetes is the most common hormonal disorder affecting adults worldwide. It is also one of the top ten causes of death in adults.People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disorder, blindness and nervous system disease.According to the World Health Organisation 346 million people worldwide have diabetes.There is no cure for diabetes as of now.

Below is a list of some natural remedies for diabetes and please note these are not diabetes cures, they are a good way to help control your blood sugar level.
- If you know some natural remedy that may be helpful in treating diabetes disease, please feel free to share with us.
~ Caution : Be careful when trying something new for your managing your diabetes because not everybody reacts the same way to certain ingredients. Always talk with your doctor first before trying any changes in your food plan. that before you make any change in your diabetes management plan first contact your doctor, dietitian or diabetes educator.

~ Cinnamon : Research has shown that small doses of ground Cinnamon, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon before a meal, can keep your blood sugar down after eating. So it could be very helpful in treating type 2 diabetes. The working is double; it both reduces blood sugar levels and increases the body's natural production of insulin.
Because the active ingredient in cinnamon can be solved in water and coumarin can't it's better to filter the cinnamon. This way you'll have the benefit of the cinnamon without the dangers of the coumarin.You can do this filtering by putting your 1/2 or 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon in a paper coffee filter and pour a cup of hot water over it. The resulting liquid has the active ingredient in it without the coumarin.
Another way is to add 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of cinnamon to 1 quart (1 liter) of boiling water and let it simmer for 20 minutes on a low fire. After it strain the mixture and drink it during the day.

Caution :Beware however that cinnamon contains coumarin, that's a natural part of cinnamon, regular use of coumarin could damage the liver.
If you're on medication to control blood sugar and you want to start using cinnamon regularly, first talk to your doctor, and always check your blood.
Lelsi 2011/11/14 10:11
~ Grapefruit : Just like other citrus fruits grapefruits have a high concentration of antioxidants like vitamin C, and especially flavonoids. These are very effective in a diabetes diet. Take 2 or 3 a day or add the juice to your diet. It will lower blood sugar level.
Caution :Be Aware that grapefruit or it's juice may influence some diabetic medication; so if you want to use it in your diabetes management plan or diet talk to your doctor first

~ Garlic :Garlic contains ingredients which help in reducing the sugar level in your blood and it helps your blood circulationYou can eat garlic any way you want it, the varieties are endless, raw or cooked in any meal it goes any way.

~ Onion : Onion has hypoglycemic (i.e. low sugar) properties. It is natural and is effective to lower blood sugar level.The uses of onions in your diet are obviously countlessBoth garlic and onion can be very helpful as home remedies for diabetes, they are easily available and can be used in a zillion ways.

~ Almonds :Adding almonds to a carbohydrate rich meal tempers the rise in blood glucose level and insulin response.Almonds in your diabetes diet can certainly help you to lose weight. Soak almonds in a glass of water and eat them in the morning on an empty stomach

~ Apple Cider Vinegar :Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and add a pinch of salt. Mix it with water and drink before a meal. It helps control the rising blood sugarlevel.

Lelsi 2011/11/14 10:16
~ Flax seed :Eat one tablespoon of flaxseed in every meal or 1/4 glass every day. Drink a lot of water when you eat flaxseeds (300ml water to one spoon)
Use flaxseed oil : Flax seed oil can help repair the damage done to cells by all the high sugar consumption. It can be used as a Home Remedy in all kinds of ways. Here are just 2 ways but use your imagination and make something best for you:
~ Mix 1.5 oz. of flax seed oil with 4 oz. cottage cheese and 1 oz. of milk. You can add fruit to make it sweeter, drink it every morning.
~ Simply put it as a dressing on a salad.

~ Alfalfa :Alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and can be quiet helpful in controlling your blood sugar levelSprinkle one teaspoon of Alfalfa seeds on every meal.

~ Chickpeas : Chickpea also called Bengal Gram is effective when taken with a low carb diet. Use the extract in your low carb diabetes control diet plan and it will drop blood sugar levels. It stimulates the use of glucose in your body.

~ Soya beans : The Soybean is filled with fiber, calcium, iron, proteins, and vitamin A, and is considered helpful controlling blood sugar levels.

~Coffee :Caffeine in coffee can help decreasing insulin resistance. Although not yet universally agreed upon, but if you take your normal shot of coffee during the day for your diabetes management together with a normal diabetes diet and exercise, it can lower your blood sugar level.

~Mango leaves : Prepare an infusion of Mango Leaves by soaking 25 gr of fresh leaves in 250ml water during the night. In the morning squeeze them well in the water. You should take this filtrate every morning.The leaves can also be dried in the shade, powder them and use half a teaspoon twice a day.
- Boil 13-16 mango leaves in one cup of water, saturate over night and filter in the morning. Drink every morning on an empty stomach. All uses are very helpful home remedies for diabetes.

Lelsi 2011/11/14 10:21
~Jambul fruits : Jambul fruit is also known as java plum or rose apple and can be very useful in your diabetes management. It also stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.The jamboline in the fruit stops the starch from changing to sugar. You can use the whole fruit, seeds and juice.
- Powder the dried seeds and mix them with water and take around 4 times a day.
- Even the inner bark of the Jambul tree can be used for diabetes treatment. Dry the bark and burn it to a white ash. After that ground, strain and bottle the ash. Take 2 grams of the ash on an empty stomach in the morning and 2 grams after breakfast and dinner.

~ Fenugreek : When you have type 2 diabetes Fenugreek can be seriously helpful. It slows down the digestion and intake of carbohydrates so helping lowering the blood sugar. It also stimulates insulin production. Take about 2,5 gr per meal through the day.
- Soak 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of water at night. Drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach and eat the seeds. Very good for diabetes because it stimulates insulin.
- Soak 90 -100 seeds in 250 ml of water and leave it overnight. In the morning mash and sieve them in a cloth. Use it for at least 2 months as anatural cure for diabetes.

~ plaintain :Wash and peel a green plantain, put the peel in a jar, cover with water and drink this water three times a day. Drink as much as necessary for your sugar level. Change the peel every 2nd day and refill the jar.

~parslane or purslane :Take a teaspoon of the seeds of parslane every day with half a cup of water. Do this for 3 to 4 months. The leaves are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins. They are often considered weeds but they fit good in a diabetes diet.

~ Turmeric :Turmeric lowers the blood sugar and increases glucose metabolism because it decreases insulin resistance. Regularly drink an equal mixture of turmeric and gooseberry juice on an empty stomach. Or mix the same amounts of turmeric and gooseberry powder with honey.

Lelsi 2011/11/14 10:28
~ Bitter ground or bitter melon : One of the newer and proven home remedies for diabetes is the use of bitter gourd. It contains insulin like elements that can lower your blood sugar level.
- Drink the juice of 4 to 5 bitter gourds every morning on an empty stomach. Crush the seeds to a powder and you can put them in your food

~Jamun: The seeds of the jamun or Indian black cherry have an ingredient which checks the conversion of starch into sugar.Take 5-10 gr of dried and powdered jamun seeds twice a day for at least 6 months.
- Mix an equal amount of mango and jamun juice. Drink this mixture three times a day.

~Sweet potato leaves :Mix 4-5 leaves of sweet potato with any herbal tea and let it boil. Strain the mixture and take this herbal tea anytime of the day.
~Curry leaves : The Indian curry leaf, an ingredient in many curry dishes and used in traditional Indian healing, may contain ingredients that slows down the breakdown of starch to glucose. Chew 8-10 curry leaves in an empty stomach. It wil lower your blood sugar level.

~ Bael :The bael fruit is very nutritious and is rich in riboflavin (it helps metabolizing fats, carbs and proteins) which makes it a very useful addition to your diabetes diet. Some of the ingredients stimulate the production of insulin.

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/11/14 10:49
Thank God I dont have this killer disease. For those who have, this is such a help. Fabulous topic sis/smiley
Eternal_Knight 2011/11/14 11:59
thanks doctor lelsi you have given lot of information here. Fantabolous topic sis...-up-
Manal 2011/11/14 15:14
wow,this is very usedfull,i always have cinnamon to my food it mix with indian curry,but will try cinnamon boiled,my medicine is too many hope this great topic will help me/smiley
Bettle 2011/11/15 02:24
Tsk tsk tsk. Great job.
Boet 2012/02/11 11:49
A very informative and well researched topic /smiley Thankyou for all your hard work in bringing this info where it can reach so many people, and improve their diabetic status. /smiley
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