Eid mubarak by
dad_ash 2011/11/07 04:05
To all muslims there ; this is an occasion when every one of us should have to look around and see if there is any kind of quarrel, should try tobe the first one to get it finished by forgiving others on the humanitarian base. This is the philosophy of sacrifice, all the muslims be practicing today. Cutting the throats of animals does not mean just a bloodshed, it means to cut up your own ego your own greeds your own temptations, and be into the virtues ,by following the pathway of prophets in order to psomote your moral excellence in your accountbook. This suppose tobe the first read for you from hereafter for your accountability to pay off for your earthly life,s actions. So write your a/c book with golden ink of forgiveness, you will become a brilliant candidate for the best reward in the presence of divine . . . . . . . .
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