SwEeT_KiSsEs 2011/11/06 01:24
A professor was traveling on a boat. He asked the Sailor. 'Do you know Biology, physiology , geology, morphology , zoology or criminolog y? D sailor said "No" to all his questions. D prof. said 'what the hell do u know on earth? U (shark) will die of illeteracy .
After a while, d boat started sinking and d sailor asked him(AFQ.) . 'Do you know swiminolog y and escapology from sharkology ? D prof said No. D sailor replied. Well, Sharkology and Crocodiolo gy will eat your Assology and Bodyology and you will Dieology!!-haha-
Terry 2011/11/06 01:46
-hahaha-gud one best
Ginamarie 2011/11/06 01:53
Funtology -hahaha-
MFLOW 2011/11/06 04:36
Lovel one.
TemPEST 2011/11/17 01:44
A good peck(sania)
whispaz 2011/11/18 16:34
yeahh....also laughology...and funnyology
merly 2015/05/28 10:36
Wahahahah, really funny
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