Chee Chee..... The Dirty Picture... by Basim360 2011/11/01 06:13
The Most Desirable Woman of South India In 20th Century, 'Silk Smitha' will be on screen once again!

On 2nd December
Birth Anniversary of Smitha, 'The Dirty Picture' wil b Released Nation wide..

ViDya BaLaN As ReShMA iN DiS fIlM (silk sm!tha),

EmRaAN HaShMI, NasiRuDHEeN ShaH ANd TUshAR KapOor arE D LEaDiNg malE cHaREcTOrS iN dIs M0ViE...
Click HeRe To DoWnLoD- oFfiCiAL WaLl PoStER


Manal 2012/10/11 06:28
Meer@.gupta 2012/10/19 17:52
Great movie masseag is great. movie so good. Dialogs greats. 5 out of 5.
SAFDAR 2014/01/14 10:49
be first i dont like vidhya balan

Replies: 23

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