300 body by Eternal_Knight 2011/10/30 13:47
Ever see the movie 300 and wonder how Gerard Butler got in that amazing shape? Strong, lean, and muscular with six pack abs to prove it, shows he worked out hard getting in shape for the role.
Folks, it is possible to get in that kind of shape and you dont need a lot! Just dedication, drive and a Im not going to quit attitude. He did the 300 workout and he didnt give up. Here are the exercise s below.

Warm up: Jog 800 meters (2 laps around track)
300 Workout Routine:
- 25 Pull ups (Beginners use a leg band)
- 50 Dead lifts; Men 135 lbs, Women 65-95 lbs
- 50 Push ups
- 50 Box Jumps; Advanced at least 24
- 50 Floor Wipers; Men 135 lbs, Women 65-95 lbs
- 50 Single Kettle bell Clean and Press; Advanced at least 36 lbs
- 25 Pull ups (Beginners use a leg band)
- Total Repetitions is 300.
Eternal_Knight 2011/10/30 13:50
Disclaimer/smileyont start this workout if u have never exercised in gym before. I mean if u are regular with 1-2 years exp in gym or are a good athlete then u can do it. But take professional advice . . .
_samu_ 2011/10/30 14:10
Will u explain the mOves/smiley
jaQui 2011/10/30 14:13
thx 4d info
Eternal_Knight 2011/10/30 17:18
Quote: _samu_: Will u explain the mOves/smiley

sure but when i log in 4m pc.

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/10/31 03:05
Fine tips /smiley it takes lot of hard work.
PinkCandyFloss 2011/10/31 04:34
Wow hectic :-/
Eternal_Knight 2011/10/31 05:59
samu i guess u know wat pull ups,push ups mean? so i ll tell u wat deadlift,box jump,single kettle bel clean press n floor vipers r

Dead Lift
he deadlift is a weight training exercise where one lifts a loaded barbell (or, in the case of the trapbar deadlift, a loaded trapbar) off the ground from a stabilized bent-over position. It is one of the three gauges of powerlifting, along with the squat and bench press.

Muscles involved

Rectus abdominis (under aponeurosis)
Abdominal external oblique muscle
Intertransversarii laterales lumborum
Latissimus dorsi
Levator scapulae
Quadratus lumborum
Rhomboideus major
Serratus posterior superior
Serratus posterior inferior
Splenius cervicis
Teres Major
Trapezius muscle
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus intermedius
Vastus medialis
Biceps femoris muscle, long head
Biceps femoris muscle, short head
Gluteal muscles
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus minimus
Superior gemellus
Flexor digitorum profundus

Box Jumps
Box Jumps are an excellent exercise for developing explosive strength as they require you to develop your jumping force from a dead stop.
Technique Tips

Select a medium sized box, stand in front of it (not too close that you will hits your knees or shins onthe way up), and then as quick as you can jump up onto it. Try and land as softly as possible. This is a good exercise to use for extra volume due to its low impact landings.(awesome way to increase stamina)

Floor Wipers
Floor wipers are a type of exercise that works the upper and lower abdominal muscles as well as hip flexors. The exercise offers a number of variations depending on strength and equipment. You can incorporate floor wipers into your weekly ab routines, or do them separately. Floor wipers gained popularity following the release of the movie "300," as the men in the film sported rock-hard washboard abs. Floor wipers were part of the actors' workout routines. Floor wipers are designed for those already in decent physical shape, so if you're not, start slow and easy.
Weight Bar Variation
Place a heavy, weighted bar on the floor, with between 50- and 75-lb. weight discs placed on each end. Lie down under the barbell, legs together and extended. Grasp the bar and either leave it on the ground or hold it above you. Use spotters at all times for safety. Keeping the feet together, lift the feet and legs off the floor, extending them toward the left weight plate. Immediately lower the legs and attempt to extend the feet or shins toward the right weight plate.

Kettle and Clean Press

Straddle kettlebell with feet slightly wider apart than shoulder width. Squat down with arm extended downward between legs and grasp kettlebell handle with overhand grip. Position shoulder over kettlebell with taut low back and trunk close to vertical.
Execution (Clean)

Pull kettlebell up off floor by extending hips and knees. Once kettlebell is off of ground vigorously raise shoulder above kettlebell while keeping it close to body. Jump upward extending body. Raise shoulder and pull kettlebell upward with arm allowing elbow to bend out to side, keeping kettlebell close to body. Drop under kettlebell, rotating arm under kettlebell. Catch kettlebell on outside of arm with wrist straight while moving into partial squat position.
Execution (Jerk)

Explosively drive upward with legs, driving Kettlebell up off arm. Drop body downward and by bending knees as fast as possible while vigorously extending arm upward with wrist straight. Extend both legs.

Lower kettlebell to front side of body catching it on side of arm with wrist straight while initiating squat position. Decelerate decent of squat to absorb weight of fallen kettlebell then immediately straighten legs. Drop kettlebell by pulling elbow back. Continueing to hold on to kettlebell handle as it falls. When arm straightens decelerate decent of kettlebell. Lower kettlebell to ground between legs while squatting down with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical.
-source Wikipedia and few other sites..

for better understandin watch d vdo on youtube

PrEM 2011/10/31 11:25
Nice information.
Manal 2012/10/14 20:29
nice info/smiley......................................
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/17 13:00
Nice info....
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