New version of 2WapWorld by NinthElement 2011/10/28 16:46
I have some exciting news - a new version of this site is currently being developed which will combine 2WapWorld with ChatZone! All of our important data here will be retained including user accounts etc, and ChatZone will replace the ChitChat section we currently have. When the site is launched our combined online count should reach around 75+ each day, and with such an attractive figure it is bound to grow from there. The script is currently in the testing phase and the 2wap side of the new site is now complete. Some of the new features I added and changes I made in the last week or so will not be present as the files were copied before that point, but it won't take long to code them in again later. The beta site can be viewed at (when it launches our address will be used instead).
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#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.