Jacki n zeast by _cowboy_ 2011/10/16 01:31
Two lovers,jacki and zeast plan 2 suicide.
Zeast jumps first.
Jacki close her eyes n returned back saying "love is blind" zeast in air opens parashute n says "true love never dies" -haha3-
0_o 2011/10/16 02:27
LoneLy_heArt 2011/10/16 05:23
-hahaha- /smiley

jaQui 2011/10/16 08:53
/smiley /smiley
Ginamarie 2011/10/16 10:21
Love is weird /smiley
Silver_Myst 2011/10/16 15:42
lol funny
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/10/16 18:00
omg, /smiley ,
Okikiola 2011/10/18 08:01
Funny.ha ha
Bettle 2011/11/03 00:33
Ya zeasty.
Prince_Michay 2011/11/03 01:39
MFLOW 2011/11/04 21:36
Hahahaa funny one
Pr1ya 2011/11/05 15:31
Hahaha -hahaha-
The_Torpid 2012/10/17 09:15
The_Torpid 2012/10/17 09:15
TinHeart 2014/03/27 05:09
Saiyah 2014/03/27 06:20
jaQui 2014/03/27 08:06
.hehe. Hapi ending
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