Some unanswered question about 2wap by
Dashman 2011/10/12 19:12
-heya- ppl. Some question arising in my mind time 2 time. I try 2 get answer but never get perfectly satisfy answer. 1) why we r not getting more online user??? 2) what is reason behind it we never grow up??_____________3)after technological change why we not give importance 2 quality change ???_-_-_-_-_- 4) why we r living as unit nd also staff not working with commitment. _-_-_-5) when we have enuf talent why it is use shiv way???? Many other question in my mind we talk l8r. Nd please post as per topic don't target me or my grammer. Nd it is public domain here ppl opinion is final verdict. ________thank u
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