*d0g next door* by jaQui 2011/10/11 13:33
the stupid d0g has been h0wling like a whale-n0ise all night, I hardly g0t a wink of sleep, feel exhausted...
At 2am i ph0ned my neighb0ur n when he answered my call, i started barking like a d0g-hehe- well he th0t its very funny and laughed his ass off while i kept on barking like a mad d0g in his ear... What wud u d0 in this situati0n?
Bark, swear or just ign0re the d0g?

fu9it1v3 2011/10/11 13:49
Eh, I actually have dogs and they bark like crazy from time to time so... I'll just let it. /smiley
dad_ash 2011/10/11 14:00
Haha/smiley i'd open my fridge get some meat out,sprinkle on vol.5 powder and going to throw this feast at dog , he'll be delightly eating it and got some sleep after and let me do so too lol
_rOcK_ 2011/10/11 14:03
In such situation i would offer some food to dog to make him stop barking.../smiley
jaQui 2011/10/11 14:04
Ash wats v0l5 p0wder

dad_ash 2011/10/11 14:11
Keep medicine out-reach of the children therefore i can't tell you here whats vol.5/smiley Anyone wants to know pm inbox is the plain order/smiley
Dashman 2011/10/11 14:11
Worst scenario .
jaQui 2011/10/11 14:19
Quote: As_Ash: Keep medicine out-reach of the children therefore i can't tell you here whats vol.5/smiley Anyone wants to know pm inbox is the plain order/smiley

i d0nt wana kill d poor d0g... can i give vol.5 2 his owner? /smileyi mean invite him 4 dinner n sprinkle it over his food?/smiley

Mahesh 2011/10/11 14:41
Go and bring the dog into your garden and let it bark all night. see how he likes it! Lol
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/10/11 15:17
I have experienced this enough to know that i can ignnore it/smiley
Boet 2011/10/11 16:39
Oh, i found the perfect solution. I just simply bark, howl and growl louder. When that dog comes to investigate, i take out my false teeth, hold it between thumb and other fingers, and give it one almighty "bite" on the soft snout. Next time it barks, i just whine a lil, it skulks away with it's tail between the legs, wetting itself as it creeps away
jaQui 2011/10/11 16:51
poor d0g-hahaha- its d owner dat u shud bite, he's resp0nable 4 his d0g

dad_ash 2011/10/11 17:13
Its nota poison however over dosage can be reaction by either way lol
Joker 2011/10/11 18:50
Its easy, go over to he's place and take the dog to your place. Now let him feel what it feels like. /smiley
EloraM23 2011/10/11 20:27
Drugging an animal is never the answer people. The wrong dose could kill. Would talk to the neighbour. Research and find out what works. A dog learns from those around them.
TheMouse 2011/10/11 20:33
I sleep with ear plugs already, coz of my mouse family in my room.
lion 2011/10/12 15:25
i know how you feel hun my nextdoor neighbour used to have a great dane that howled and bark from the second her owner left her till the second she came back, i told her and told her so in the end i got fed up of the headaches and we complained to the enviromental health department and so did a couple of other neighbours and in the end she gave thet dog back, i suggest you report it to your local council and maybe the dog warden, hope this helped you.
jaQui 2011/10/13 03:51

@ . . . divin3soul
thanx 4d advice swty /smiley

TemPEST 2011/11/11 18:03
I will relax to see what's next
jaQui 2016/01/28 22:35
Quote: TemPEST: I will relax to see what's next

Next the other dogs are barking all together.

_SUPERBRAT_ 2016/01/29 05:25
bark back /smiley
Replies: 21

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