EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/28 16:12
Was just reading facebook and am amazed to see the reaction to youth on the cancellation of La tomatino festival supposed to be held in bangalore.
The government cancelled the first ever planned in Delhi and then in Bangalore.
Reason : India cant afford to waste 62000 kgs of tomatoes in one hour which will be used to throw at each other and have fun like its held in spain .
Ofcourse some young people are happy with this decision just like I am but I saw many just totally because they bought the tickets -hehe-
I then did a read through history about the festival originated in Bunol , spain.
What i want to say is a point many of 2wap's reknown forum posters raised today when discussing cases of famine and people dying in hunger in Somalia : its our personal responsibility to realise that atleast there is someone out there who needs the half bread your going to through into the trash can. Realise the value of food. Please think twice before serving extra and then wasting it. Being human is appreciating the gifts of nature. LIVE AND LET LIVE. -think1-
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/28 16:13
I am sure every country of this world has a part of its population who need and would love more food than they can afford. This festival doesnt belong to India. I rather feed the poor than waste 62,000 kgs of tomatoes just for fun sake.
Eternal_Knight 2011/09/28 16:22
u r right bro. . No one knew bout this festival before zindagi movie. This is not right playing with food instead this tomatoes should be provided to needy ppl in India and Somalia. . .i dont even like holi. Bollywood truely affects the youth. But being a responsible citizen of world n India i wud never participate in such games
TheMouse 2011/09/28 16:55
Well, tomatoes don't actually feed hungry people; if that was all they get they'd starve all the same. Buying less food in order to not waste any diminishes the economy of any place - which will have either no or a bad effect on places in which there is not enough. In many places where people starve, there IS actually enough food. Things are not always so straight forward and simple. Lastly, to use tons of any kind of food, even tomatoes, to throw at each other, is indeed stupid.
Lelsi 2011/09/28 17:20
On the one hand,we have overweight and obesity that are the fifth leading risk for global deaths, at least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese; on the other hand, according to WHO's statistics, there are 925 million hungry people in the world, 13.1 percent, or almost 1 in 7 people are hungry.
Unfortunately, such is in the world,one have too much,the other don't have enough to survive...
GhAyAl 2011/09/28 17:44
bieng salman
Insenus_AmoR 2011/09/28 18:31
yes... they stopped it for a good cause.. i`ve read it at fb..
Boet 2011/09/28 19:19
It really infuriates me when there is a glut of some fresh produce in our country, and the producers rather dump the fruit or veg, than donating it to the so many destitute communities.
0_o 2011/09/28 19:25
Salman khan doesnt wear his BH t shirt 4 no reason lol nice topic bro .clap.
Someone 2011/09/29 09:56
I hate food wasting, because wasting food is social crime in my view. in many countries food are so cheap and was treated like interchangeable commodity. western nations is well known for food wasting.
lion 2011/09/29 10:25
we should start it from our home. we can stop wasting even small quantity of food. We should not blame others. its every individual responsibility for a better society. it's very shameful for us to waste food. You know many people don't have the chance to eat one times a day because of poverty. So instead of wasting food we could give that to others.
Right now we are sitting and surfing on the net discussing about all these problems but its time to take step. You know after few days every body will forget.but its time for us think about it and do something.
Manal 2011/09/29 11:28
tomatoes are so expensive just throw away like that....instead of throwing foods why they dont distribute to hungry people and make juice or pasta
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/10/07 19:02
Well said
. Our responsibility starts from our dining table.Quote:
divin3soul: we should start it from our home. we can stop wasting even small quantity of food. We should not blame others. its every individual responsibility for a better society. it's very shameful for us to waste food. You know many people don't have the chance to eat one times a day because of poverty. So instead of wasting food we could give that to others.
Right now we are sitting and surfing on the net discussing about all these problems but its time to take step. You know after few days every body will forget.but its time for us think about it and do something.

-Marizelle- 2012/04/06 14:07
I hate it when people waste food
Sweetcapricorn 2012/04/08 05:48
V nice they have saved tomatos infact i thank to all of them coz i love tomatos
Manal 2012/04/08 11:11
Accourding to La Tomatina in India year ago:
Seriously guys, whatever happened to democracy? India is a multi-cultural country. Culture doesnt stop at religious practices, does it? Le Tomatina is a cultural event. The objective of Le tomatina is not to waste food, it is to generate revenue and tourism. So many people from across the country would go to the city. Think about the revenue generated. Think about the tourism, foreigners would come too. And what did you achieve by cancelling the function, did those tomatoes(rotten) as they were, reach the poor hungry of the country.
from Smarter than you says :
detrimentum 2014/03/05 13:11
You only value something once you go without it... Perhaps we should eat nothing for a week to fully understand the value of food.
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