Firewall on BlackBerry by Pr1ya 2011/09/27 08:46
Please help! Does anyone know how to retrieve text messages and e-mails that have been blocked by firewall?

I mistakely activated firewall and many of my messages have been blocked :( however, I have deactivated it and notifications are coming through as normal now.

Thanks in advance.
LoneLy_heArt 2011/09/27 11:17
go to ur antivirus >system manager> then scan all applications there & set them as trusted application
LoneLy_heArt 2011/09/27 11:18
better to off ur network firewall
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/27 11:55
I dont use a blackberry but sure let me search, maybe i can help you.
Pr1ya 2011/09/27 12:24
Aww guys thank you so so much! Will try it out and let y'all know.
Pr1ya 2011/09/27 13:13
It is with deep sadness to let you know that it unfortunately does not work. The system management thingy can only be retrieved from BlackBerry desktop (on the pc) whereas I urgently seek a way to retrieve my blocked msgs on my mobile BB itself.
lion 2011/09/28 02:30
go to options on main screen (spanner symbol) then security, then firewall, and
tick or untick as you wish it to be.

Pr1ya 2011/09/28 05:54
Thanks Kriss, but I have done the unticking as I do not wish to have firewall activated. Hence, after doing the disabling I noticed that my text msgs and emails were blocked. So... I wanna know how to access those that were blocked out by firewall. Any ideas?
Someone 2011/12/29 09:50
You cant, once its blocked... they gone!
sagy086 2012/01/24 13:40
go to options security options then firewall
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