User of the Week :| by EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/08 10:35
Welcome everyone to a new season.

As promised, this time the concept is different and more interesting than before.

Every week 3 members chosen by a random member will be nominated here, all you precious members have to do is :

Rate each of the 3 nominations with stars upon 4 categories

1. Personality [rate upon 5]
2. Forum Contribution [rate upon 5]
3. Behaviour [rate upon 5]
4. Your personal take [rate upon 5]

Remember you have to rate all the 3 of them.
1. I give Johny 5+2+4+3
2. I give Tom 5+4+3+2
3. I give Jerry 3+5+1+3

The division of rating is done to make your decision more transparent. The total rating of each will be summarised and the one who gets the most stars will be our *USER OF THE WEEK*. Any post rating which doesnt show divisions or doesnt rate all the 3 nominess will be deleted.

The winner gets 150+s and space on our announcement page.

1. Nominated members cannot vote here.
2. No vote begging by the nominated member. If any PM reported concludes that the nominee asked for votes, it will result in disqualification.
3. You should have minimum 300 posts to rate users in this topic. No multiple accounts allowed.
4. Rating will be open for atleast 5 days.
5. All terms and conditions may change as per my decision.

Remember this is just a forum event so please be fair and square. -king-
This topic is closed.
#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.