Those silly fights by Lelsi 2011/09/06 13:45
All couples argue from time to time, sometimes over serious life problems,sometimes reasons are more than absurde. Sometimes it happens that one side make a mistake, and instead of accepting responsibility for own actions, blame his/her partner, just to look less guilty. Do you know when to stop arguing and accept responsibility for your mistakes, and just say sorry darling, its my fault,or you'll keep arguing ?
Lelsi 2011/09/06 13:55
I think healthy communication is the key, it takes two for every fight and argue, but instead of saying who love whom more, or who did what in the past, rather take a look at what you did, at that very moment, and admit if it's your mistake,and do your best to make it up to your partner. You don't have to "win" in every argue, it's not about whos word is gonna be the final, couples shouldn't compete in relationship,but to understand each others and solve every problem in a quiet manner.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/06 17:57
Wonderful topic indeed. Very much attached to my reality.

In my case, my sweetheart and I are inevitably mischievious human beings /smiley when we get bored of too much peace we fight and argue. It happens and it grows only to stay alive for a couple of hours.

We both know very well that no matter how big a fight occurs we can never be apart. We have seen storms already. Still holding each others hands.

The most important thing is we never bring our egos in. We apologize and end it.

In the end she says " it was fun, we had too much peace. I love you baby, i am sorry /smiley "

Insenus_AmoR 2011/09/06 21:10
Quote: Amela: I think healthy communication is the key, it takes two for every fight and argue, but instead of saying who love whom more, or who did what in the past, rather take a look at what you did, at that very moment, and admit if it's your mistake,and do your best to make it up to your partner. You don't have to "win" in every argue, it's not about whos word is gonna be the final, couples shouldn't compete in relationship,but to understand each others and solve every problem in a quiet manner.
-lovehug- agree baby..

Ravikumar08 2011/09/07 01:28
In relationship she makes me sick. /smiley
dad_ash 2011/09/07 01:58
The problem which i see in the arguing with partner, is once you got on something than its very hard to get stop untill it reaches to the conclusion. To my experience it gets end on a "no-speak-math " for couple of days. Frankly speaking women seldom accept their mistakes ,men has to do so for his mistake (seldom there ain't no) and the partner,s(which occasionally occures ) in the end.. I have found a way to make an escape from such an situation , i used to say " babe we'd talk in the bed tonight ,i'm tired , i need get some rest now ". Believe me or try it when you speak about your bed or bed room and your being tirenessed things, women gets a positive change in thier behavioure! After all women are a eternal comfort made for men naturally, she reckoned her duty the least positive quality in them/smiley
lion 2011/09/07 05:26
Dear Amela,
Relationships are fragile. Handle them
with care.
Be it with a friend, a partner,
colleague anybody, its the same concept.
Everybody is human and we all are more
or less the same.
According to me you change yourself to change others. Do not
blame the other person in a relationship.
Even if they are wrong you can change
yourself to change them as you want
them to be. Trust me, I implement all these
And I think I am doing fine with the people around me. Be patient especially when the other
person is not.
If you wish to win you
have to be better than the other person.
You need to find out their weak point so
pay attention and listen, in particular
when they do some thing wrong. If the other person is a rival or a competitor
take advantage of his/her weak point and
make that your strong point you will
definitely succeed over them. On the other
hand, if the other person is family make
them understand where they went wrong and help them over come their
Forgiving is a very difficult task, but it
does wonders. Lets say there was no
mistake of yours and you are blamed for
some thing you did not do. It is obvious to get all furious and think of getting back
to them and teach them a lesson so that
they dont repeat what they did. Now, if
you shout at them or let them know their
mistake in a rude way it wont work.
Instead forgive them and forget that they have been mean to you. Be nice to them.
Wait till they calm down and then they
will actually realize and learn their
mistake. If they dont the first time then
go and talk to them softly when they are
in a good mood and let them know your concern. Once you forgive forget what
they did; no point in having grudges. Life
is short and too precious to loose in
hatred and revenge. to maintain a healthy relationship one
hope it helped.

Muwale 2011/09/07 05:27
Yeah if one does not lower down things will never be the same.
Mahesh 2011/09/08 10:48
Personal accountability for our own
actions and decisions is a lost art
regardless of gender. Owning up to the
error and fixing the issue can be even
more difficult because it requires
swallowing ones pride. Pride is the problem. When someone can honestly
look at themselves from an unbiased
perspective, one truly sees how to best
fix oneself. Sometimes the people that best
help us are our loved ones. For whatever
reason we always want to be the best/ perfect for those we care about most and
because of the disagreement the reverse
happens, we hurt them the most.

Whoever is the guilty party needs to
shutup, fess up, swallow their pride and fix it. Makes life so much easier and people
will resent you less. People respect those
who are confident enough to step up and
say they screwed up and have enough integrity own up and change.

Marlou 2011/09/09 07:23
If you were to ask what is the hardest task in the world, u might think of s0me muscular feat, s0me acrobatic challenge, s0me ch0re to be d0ne on the battlefield or the playing field. Actually, however, there is n0thing which we find m0re ard0us than saying, "i was wr0ng".
Marlou 2011/09/09 07:29
Be n0t ashamed to c0nfess to ur partner or friend that u have been in the wr0ng. It is but owning what u need n0t be ashamed of-that u n0w have m0re sense than u had before, to see ur error, and m0re grace to correct it. Anyways, at the end of the day healthy relati0nship made u both a happy individual.
abbey4united 2011/09/09 18:21
Its vry hard to accept once mstk wn love is lost
P.jack 2011/09/09 20:31
I hate the part where i talk coz i do it too mch n neva bckdown,bt hei changes neva hurt
GhAyAl 2011/09/10 09:16
Memorised in lone
LoVeGaLsIaN 2011/09/10 13:58
yup ur ryt v shud understand each other
n if 1 is arguin dn d othr shud keep quiet
he or she shud nt let d argue goin on

sunitha 2012/01/24 10:50
my husbnd and i d0 have 0ur arguements.s0metimes im a bit stubb0rn.s0 he as t0 use f0rce t0 get me t0 d0 whats we c0mpr0mise.and we never g0 t0 bed angry thats d 0ne rule we live by
Male1974 2012/01/29 08:03
i know when to say im sorry because my wife still haves a hard time believing me when i say im sorry.
Kayli 2015/03/06 21:28
Couples can argue, aslong as they still respect one another.
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