Like Computers & Tech by jay6600 2011/08/30 22:33
Are you liking the computers, Gadgets and modern technology, ect or are you a Technophobe?????
jay6600 2011/08/30 22:36
Im definatly like the modern stuff with being a mainly pc and smartphone addict and other gadgets are amaze me even if their usefullnes is just for Fun /smiley
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/31 09:15
Yes i do like tech stuff. I follow alot on phones , apps and games.
Topcat1 2011/08/31 11:50
im addicted 2 tech !
SpArKo 2011/08/31 16:59
Highly technocrat..
MaG 2011/09/02 03:42
me 2 lyk it! on phone /smiley
ACIDized 2011/09/03 10:28
I prefer the traditional "Stone age tools."
Joker 2011/10/13 17:45
I'm a techy
#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
For phones, computing, consoles, gadgets, & internet talk, plus share apps & other files.